The Tearsmith piano

THE TEARSMITH - Nica's Theme (from Fabbricante di lacrime) EASY Piano Tutorial

The Tearsmith - Rigel's Theme (Piano Cover)

Nica’s Theme - The Tearsmith (From Fabbricante Di Lacrime)

The Tearsmith - Nica's Theme (from Fabbricante Di Lacrime) Piano Tutorial

Rigel's Theme (The Tearsmith) - EASY Piano Tutorial

Nica's Theme (The Tearsmith) - EASY Piano Tutorial

THE TEARSMITH - Nica's Theme (from Fabbricante di lacrime) MEDIUM Piano Tutorial

THE TEARSMITH • The Tear Maker (Main Theme) - Soundtrack from the Netflix Film by Andrea Farri

Simone suona come RIGEL | Netflix Italia

Rigel’s Theme - The Tearsmith (From Fabbricante Di Lacrime)

THE TEARSMITH - The Tear Maker (Main Theme)(Piano Tutorial)

TOP 7 - The Tearsmith (Piano Covers) + Sheet Music | Fabbricante di lacrime

The Tearsmith - Rigel's Theme EASY Piano Tutorial

Andrea Farri - Nica's Theme (from The Tearsmith) - Accurate Piano Tutorial

THE TEARSMITH • Nica's Theme - Soundtrack from the Netflix Film by Andrea Farri

Rigel's Theme - The Tearsmith (Piano Tutorial)

THE TEARSMITH - Nica's Theme (Piano Tutorial)

Nica's Theme (The Tearsmith) - Piano Tutorial (MEDIUM)

The Tearsmith - Nica's Theme

The Tear Maker - The Tearsmith (Main Theme) | Piano Cover

The Tearsmith - The Tear Maker (Piano Cover) + Sheet Music & MIDI

The Tearsmith - Simone suona come RIGEL (Piano Cover) + Sheet Music & MIDI

The Tearsmith - Rigel's Theme MEDIUM Piano Tutorial

The Tearsmith - Rigel's Theme Piano Tutorial